Disc Centrifuge apply for Pharmaceutical Industry
2020-08-25CROWN MACHINERY Disc Centrifuges for Extracting Oil and Fat
2021-03-12Membrane filter & Disc centrifuge system in fruit juice production
Crown machinery as a manufacturer and total solution provider of juice industry, complete juice production line, including the water treatment system, fruit pre-treatment, mixing, filtration, sterilizing equipment, filling and packaging with wide range of yield.
As membrane filter equipment widely used in filtration and concentration of fruit juice manufacturing, compare with traditional filtration process effect color and taste of juice, membrane not only obtain higher permeation flux and rejection rate, but also reduce the adsorption of protein on the membrane surface to reducing membrane pollution;

Physical and chemical stability of material of membrane, provide ability of anti microbial, high mechanical strength and high resistance to bacteria. Advantages of high temperature, high separation efficiency and long service life, the high-pressure recoil and steam on-line disinfection.
A disc centrifuge centrifuge serve the purpose of pre-treatment fruit juice, which is able to prolong service life of membrane. Integrating with membrane filter to a complete system.
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